Director's loan account record


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A taxable benefit in kind may arise where a director is provided with a loan, either interest free or at a rate of interest below HMRC’s official rate. Use this document to calculate what, if anything, you need to declare to HMRC.

Make a note

Where a cheap rate or interest-free loan is no more than £10,000 at any time during a tax year, there is no taxable benefit. But where it exceeds this the whole loan is subject to the benefits tax rules. It’s therefore important to monitor loans to ensure that they don’t go over the limit, so complete a record for all loans taken out by employees and directors.

Note. All loans made to the director by the company must be added together to check whether the £10,000 limit is exceeded.

Tax Essentials
QuickBooks Accountancy Software
Bright Pay Payroll Software
Tax Filing Software
Inform Direct - Company Secretarial Software
Client Engager - Practice Management Solution
Quickfile- Accountancy Software